Disclosure in a sentence as a noun

I had several positive comments about my disclosure, and I have never been turned down for a job I've applied for.

[1] Full disclosure, by some odd coincidence she happens to be my sister and also did the industrial design for Lockitron so I am wayy biased here.

Arrington has often said that transparency and full disclosure keep things above-board when his blog writes about companies he has some financial stake in.

He's clearly been going about this the proper white-hat way and ensuring holes are patched before open disclosure... what's there to lose?On the **** side, you could go about doing what you're doing under the presumption nobody is maliciously targeting your user base.

California does not recognize the "inevitable disclosure" doctrine by which a former employee can be enjoined from taking a position on grounds that it will be "inevitable" that he would need to disclose important trade secrets in order to perform his duties.

Disclosure definitions


the speech act of making something evident

See also: revelation revealing