Disbursal in a sentence as a noun

No food stamps, no cash disbursal, but a safe and humane environment that can help people to get back on their feet.

We allow pre-disbursal because \n it ensures that the funds reach the borrower as soon as they are needed.

Loan disbursal can happen anywhere from 60 days before to 90 days \n after the loan is posted on the Kiva website.

Standard equity disbursals are ******* pathetic and not \n going to attract anyone skilled.

The children could have fought her appointment, insisted on court supervision of her actions, sued the estate to contest disbursals, etc.

For example, the smart contract can automate and execute the disbursal of funds based on the attestation of some pre-defined oracle.

Yes, Coinbase should be required to support disbursal for every one, with the proviso that it either passes a certain price or passes a number of customers who want to withdraw it.

You contend that this money "doesn't actually get used to help people", and that's true today, but it's not particularly useful to say that's true of that money in perpetuity; the only "out" for those funds is charitable disbursal or attrition to management fees.

Disbursal definitions


amounts paid for goods and services that may be currently tax deductible (as opposed to capital expenditures)

See also: expense disbursement


the act of spending or disbursing money

See also: spending disbursement outlay