Disallow in a sentence as a verb

Are people so dumb that we need to disallow them from hurting themselves?Android is not perfect and the permissions system could sure use some work.

The default should be conservative and disallow setting any fields, instead of allowing anything to be changed.

The USB Implemeters' Forum hit the roof, revoked the VID, and threatened to sue, but because their agreement didn't explicitly disallow PID resale, there was nothing they could do.

Maybe a high-profile incident like this will finally convince GitHub to let you disallow force pushing to specific branches in repos like your project's master branch.

If you don't have the man power to review custom titles, and don't trust the community to do it then disallow them other than in the case of manually editing down titles that are too long.

It would have been awesome if you could disallow certain permissions, but still install the app, in which case the app would simply not receive your location, or it would receive a blank contacts list and so on.

In an interpreter you can modify the instruction stream even on platforms that disallow modification of executable code.

In many cases we had clients that'd tiptoe the line and ask if certain reasons would be valid for rejecting a person, and some HR managers were upset when they learned it was against the law to disallow someone who had admitted their criminal history from being hired.

Disallow definitions


command against; "I forbid you to call me late at night"; "Mother vetoed the trip to the chocolate store"; "Dad nixed our plans"

See also: forbid prohibit interdict proscribe veto