Alkaloid in a sentence as a noun

I can confirm that it contained alkaloid, the numbing gum sensation was quite strong.

Caffeine is a stimulant alkaloid just like *******.

To your point it's not zero, but it's by far the minority bitter alkaloid constituent.

It's a bit different: it's the bitter alkaloid theobromine, in the same family but with a lesser effect.

I don't find the truth of whether he was poisoned by an amino acid or an alkaloid to be very enlightening.

The varieties people plant in their gardens aren't bred specifically for a high alkaloid content, but the chemicals are still present.

The alkaloid content of coca leaves is low: between .25% and .77%, and production of ******* from coca requires complex chemical processes.

It is only a problem after the British discovered how to profit tremendously from the extracted alkaloid.

When you're talking about a complex biological system like an animal or plant, there will often be dozens of alkaloids in your sample[0].

I think it's fair to say that coca-cola originally contained ******* prior to the invention of the process to remove the alkaloid.

When Clausen completes his research and finds the mystery alkaloid theory doesn't work, Krakauer intuits that a mystery toxic mold must have been involved, a theory he announces on Oprah and NPR.

That makes it difficult to isolate the relevant ones and say with certainty that alkaloid x is the one responsible for the psychoactive effects, especially if the alkaloid in question is currently unknown.

I don't see how it fails to support my argument that by reducing a plant to one or a handful of alkaloids that represent a fraction of the body of the plants chemical makeup, we risk losing out on some of what the plant has to offer.

Alkaloid definitions


natural bases containing nitrogen found in plants