Devotee in a sentence as a noun

For one, most Randroids won't shut up about it. For another, _why was just too whimsical, postmodern, and nonlinear to be a Rand devotee.

But if you're a node devotee and you're looking for a good tool in JavaScript to visualize data, you can't get much better than d3.

How can we improve?Disclaimer: I'm a devotee of HN; It's home, but also I'm a devotee of critical thinking.

It's written by a butthurt C devotee whose interest is as much in sneering at other languages as it is in teaching something.

DHH largely creates a straw man: the fanatical, religious TDD devotee who blindly worships at the Altar of Unit Tests.

I wanted to say that this was probably discovered by a Hacker News devotee who was sifting through every instance of "pg" on the internet.

With Sparrow to copy you'd have a good start, but you have to be enough of a UI devotee to even notice what makes a UI strong, and you'll still have to do a lot of user testing and polish.

Devotee definitions


an ardent follower and admirer

See also: buff lover