Lover in a sentence as a noun

As a big screen lover, I was also intrigued.

The iPod was not for "serious MP3 lovers".

The iPhone was not for "serious smartphone lovers".

This app was led in part by an LA journalist and lover of Malibu beaches, Jenny Price.

One day I realized that I cared more about being a good person, a good partner, a good lover, a good friend, etc.

"I'm like a lover you just beat up for the first time"Surely that just demonstrates poor knowledge of history?

I suspect YC's second biggest competitor is the lover.

I too am an iPhone lover who recently picked up a Nexus 4 to get into Android development.

This is not really a review - reads more like a lover on his last moments of love, desperately rationalizing things.

I'm neither a fan of shoujo manga nor a great lover of women's studies but someone who was both had veto power on my degree, so you can bet I at least listened for the more credible claims.

Just seven lines of banal vitriol and claims--without justification--that the review "reads more like a lover on his last moments of love" and "making a thinner, taller phone is not innovation.

I can't assume I'll be held "accountable" in a just way by every prospective employer, apartment manager, or lover I'll ever meet, so these venues get empty pleasantries from me, certainly nothing controversial in any way.

Lover definitions


a person who loves someone or is loved by someone


an ardent follower and admirer

See also: buff devotee


a significant other to whom you are not related by marriage