Detox in a sentence as a noun

BTW. love the reference to "BSD detox" somewhere in that thread, it always gives me a chuckle.

Even if your hooked to the gills on smack, the media makes detox so dramatic. I've seen people scared to death, thinking they will die from withdrawal.

A week is nothing, it's like a detox period. Try several years of interacting with people you don't really connect with and feeling lonely, now that's depressing as ****...

The moment you read toxins and detox in any article for mass consumption - stop bother reading further - the author is at best a quack.

Long story made short, I got into detox and then AA, changed pretty much everything in my life that wasn't working and haven't had a drink since. First couple years were intense, and I still go to AA meetings every week.

Detox in a sentence as a verb

Selling my dad's car was the last straw and we sent him to a juvenile detention/rehab/detox center to recover. We feel this was actually worse because this is where he learned from the other people how to lie, cheat, and evade better than he would have on his own.

Heavy drinking alcoholics have such strong physical addictions that detox without medical supervision can be life threatening. Your reaction wondering why millions of people choose AA and abstinence vs trying to "cut back" is misinformed but not uncommon.

The whole article is no more than a glorified appeal to authority/audacity from a so called expert nutritionist who, it turns out, pimps detox and other homoeopathic diets fads on her website.

To give some context: Alcoholism detox medically assissted treatment starts when the person is drinking forty 40 units per day unless you have a comorbid mental health problem when they drop it to 30 units a day unless it's a severe enduring problem when they drop it to 20 units a day. Under those amounts you get outpatient treatment.

One of my meditation teachers said that this tends to be a regular occurrence as the mind goes through a form of detox when it's deprived of stimuli. It was interesting to read about the parent's experience with melatonin and then be reminded of these episodes, with possible increased presence of melatonin and deep sleep states being the common factors.

Detox definitions


the hospital ward or clinic in which patients are detoxified


treat for alcohol or drug dependence; "He was detoxified in the clinic"

See also: detoxify