Detachment in a sentence as a noun

It creates sufficient detachment to let you view things as if with new eyes, and a slightly clearer mind.

This comment thread and the article itself are like parodies of all of the detachment from reality that the tech industry faces.

It's the kind of detachment from prolonged exposure to extreme, unmitigated stress.

As a detachment of 74 men returned to barracks in Salford by way of the bridge[6] the soldiers, who were marching four abreast, felt it begin to vibrate in time with their footsteps.

What is troubling and reflects the sad status and detachment from reality of the project is this:>Historically, the OpenSSL command line tools have been intended for debugging only.

" His responses show such an unbelievable detachment from the investment made in the company, the employees, the technology and anything else that's going on around him.

However, even if this detachment comes from an increase in non-violence there are still effects of increasingly conflating violence with entertainment.

* How could this level of detachment from the why of the product ever make you happy?More generally, this manifesto seems built around the idea of minimizing communication.

> Almost all of Mozilla's major projects, from \n > Firefox, to Thunderbird, to Firefox for Mobile, to \n > Persona, to Firefox OS, and even Rust are suffering \n > from some pretty serious detachment from the needs \n > of their users.\n\nCitation needed.

Consequently, the ideal of detachment and the separation of reason from emotion that the rationalist world view promotes have been instrumental in constructing gendered aspects of the social order, in particular the subjectivities of Western privileged white men.

What happens to me is that I seize upon an issue in the newsthe issue is the moral/philosophical, political/intellectual equivalent of a cheeseburger with everything on it; but for the duration of my interest in it, all my other interests are consumed by it, and whatever appetites and capacities I may have had for detachment and reflection are suddenly subordinate to this cheeseburger in my life!

" Everything about his life makes me cringe: the awkward adolescent photos, his gravitation towards adult "friends," his dependence on a largely analytical basis for relationships and connections, the endless dissatisfaction and detachment, the fruitless big dreams, the inability to focus and work on one objective, the recklessness, the grueling self-analysis and self-exposition, the anger and the impotence...I think, from reading this, that Aaron was a person with something missing inside of him.

Detachment definitions


avoiding emotional involvement

See also: withdrawal


the act of releasing from an attachment or connection

See also: disengagement


the state of being isolated or detached; "the insulation of England was preserved by the English Channel"

See also: insulation insularity insularism


a small unit of troops of special composition


coming apart

See also: separation breakup