Desist in a sentence as a verb

I love the "Cease and desist - Rovio" testimonial.

While a cease-and-desist order is pretty unpleasant, all they're saying is that he has to stop work on the project.

Publish information about a corporation after they've given you a cease and desist?Maybe you would.

I can't imagine Getty Images releasing anything other than a cease and desist letter.

3taps changed their IP and continued scraping -- it's the ignoring of the cease & desist that's the problem; that they did so by changing IP is just a technical detail.

Unfortunately, it would appear that the recipients of the cease-and-desist opted to comply rather than risk a fight.

" - Craigslist sent a legally valid cease & desist letter to 3taps, explicitly revoking their default-allowed access.

Laws on this point can be very strict, for example you cannot necessarily threaten lawsuit, but Apple is within its right to send cease and desist with formal demand when it feels its patents are being violated.

> We witnessed Google sending cease and desist letters to the developers and maintainers of the popular Android CyanogenMod for violating some patents by modifying open source elements of an open source licensed projectTaking into account that this is not what happened between Google and Cyanogen I doubt about the knowledge of him

Desist definitions


choose not to consume; "I abstain from alcohol"

See also: abstain refrain