Abstain in a sentence as a verb

To abstain from "evil" you must be vigilant.

How about up, down and abstain buttons and if you click any you get to see the vote count and you're done voting.

It will encourage voting, remove the social proof influence and give the option to abstain.

I would request everyone try and abstain from content-free comments.

So I take it you abstain from attending any presentations, talks, or conferences?

I don't think advising people the moral high ground would be to abstain would clean the place up, if the whole purpose of the design is to encourage it.

It is their ******* up which is uncivil, not my choice to abstain from praising Jesus before eating chicken fingers at a business lunch.

But I abstain from it during presentations because at best it's a cheap technique to get something of a rise from the audience, IME.

It says a sad thing about the industry that shady practices like that are considered important enough that it would be "scary" to have to abstain from them.

I pretty much abstain from alcohol, and despite my abstemiousness never have I once taken umbrage that others like to drink when I happen to be around.

Intelligent folks who abstain from arguing on the internet would probably consult the datasheets regarding ECG input protection.

The point is not "N-word == ****"The point is that, you, the reader, obviously understand that a word, concept or type of behavior can offend others and would therefore abstain from employing it.

If you live and a free country and abstain from participating in politics, then in my opinion you have abdicated your responsibility as a citizen.

So why do so many forgo that?If you want to maximize long-run happiness over the course of your lifespan, it's not entirely obvious that the rational choice is to abstain from ***** and alcohol.

Apart from peer pressure concerns, I can abstain or moderate my alcohol intake while still participating in social activities, regardless of the alcohol intake of my friends.

There's quite a lot of walking involved in the homeless monk's life, as well, as many monks undertake a training rule to abstain from the use of vehicles, undertake a rule to collect food on an alms walk, and may just simply enjoy traveling.

Even if you don't buy his whole argument and especially that the journalist has a partisan duty to abstain from, rather than research, these systems it's awesome that Moglen is making this point, and this ecological/privacy-littering analogy.

> We have normalized porn very recently and it is just a piece of modernist faith that it is harmlessDo you abstain from television, computers, rock and roll, role playing, comic books and video games by this same line of FUD?Mass media has the power to create unrealistic expectations.

Abstain definitions


refrain from voting


choose not to consume; "I abstain from alcohol"

See also: refrain desist