Desegregate in a sentence as a verb

Busing is used to desegregate schools in some areas.

Should the courts have waited for the state legislatures in the deep south to desegregate schools?

I think it would also be interesting to see how to desegregate low income black schools from low income white schools.

Yes troops had to help desegregate schools, and we're not even talking about slavery anymore.

Finally, in 1979, the district implemented a busing plan to desegregate its schools after the district court ruled against it.

It takes a long time to erase all that.> the last lynching was in 1981And a school district in Alabama was ordered to desegregate less than ten years ago.

But then the civil rights movement happened and state and local governments cut funding and dismantled bus systems lest they have to desegregate.

I'd call that a pretty important backbone, even if it was localized to mainly the south.> And a school district in Alabama was ordered to desegregate less than ten years ago. What's your point?My point is that the last lynching was in 1981.

Suburbs had been expanding quickly prior to this, but city centers actually start truly declining around the '60s and '70s after Brown vs. Board of Ed resulted in unpopular busing programs to desegregate schools, as well as the riots that proceeded MLK's death.

Given segregation would give rise to exactly these kind of scenarios it reflects a severe lack of planning on desegregation and a system unwilling to desegregate, and betrays yet another instance of continued discrimination with black teachers paying the price.

Desegregate definitions


open (a place) to members of all races and ethnic groups; "This school is completely desegregated"

See also: integrate