Dermis in a sentence as a noun

See, they're born with very thin skin, so mm-waves can go right through their dermis.

Why not grow pseudo-animals that consist of tiled blocks of muscle + liver + dermis?

What I am saying - and I will repeat this - is "mm-waves do penetrate the dermis of human babies.

The established consensus is that mm-waves do penetrante the dermis of babies.

I mentioned that the scientific consensus is that babies' skin is thin enough that mm-waves penetrate the dermis.

Rather, the varying thickness of the epidermic vary the dielectric between the conductive dermis and sensor.

Turns out babies' skin is thin enough that mm waves can penetrate the dermis...Furthermore, ionizing radiation and heating are not the only two ways EM can harm you.

Asbestos, DDT, mercury, X-rays, etc. Millimeter scanners are shooting high energy particles a the body’s dermis.

In man, however, the location of 7-dehydrocholesterol has been shown to be the epidermis rather than sebum.

50 ng/mL possibly represents the upper limit at the speed with which D3 can be transported away from the dermis, and the limits of natural exposure levels.

Melanin is deposited in the epidermis, vitamin D conversion happens deeper, in the blood vessels of the dermis.

Interesting, the vitamin letters were arbitrarily assigned but I wonder if we could back-cronym D to dermis

As just a simple counterexample for why you cannot use that to demonstrate safety, consider that while mmwaves do not penetrate the adult human dermis, babies' skin is thinner and is easily penetrated by mmwaves.

COL17A is part of the basement membrane holding together the thin epidermis and thicker underlying dermis, whereas much aging related research that focuses on 'collagen' loss relates to the amount of collagen I in the thicker underlying dermis.

Science takes time, and a rational person might wait and see rather than say “**** it, until you prove it I’m tatting up!”So sure, get a tattoo, but realize that you’re having an unregulated ink shot into your dermis, and elements of that ink can infiltrate systemically.

Dermis definitions


the deep vascular inner layer of the skin

See also: corium derma