Corium in a sentence as a noun

The melt that created the tons of corium was due to decay heat.

Just go with "chernobyl corium" phrase in your fav.

Which could have happened IF the corium had been there in large amounts as has been assumed up until now.

Looks like that's just a generic solidified corium flow.

I'd say the author's writing is entirely consistent with him knowing full well what corium is.

You need more redundant safety systems, corium catcher and stuff.

Elephant's Foot just happens to be a famous solidified corium flow.

That would be the feared steam explosion if the molten corium reached ground water and would produce another large "dirty bomb".

Given they're only claiming a partial meltdown in a few rods, the risk of corium breaching the core vessel is extremely remote.

Yeah I feel like maybe some irony or humor is being lost too. Do we really think whoever named it "corium" was proposing an official name to be taken with seriousness and reverence?

Well, Chernobyl did narrowly miss a much worse outcome: poisoning the water table in a thousand mile radius with corium.

The absolute worst case scenario for Chernobyl would have happened if the corium had melted through to the water table and caused a huge steam explosion.

How probable such corium explosion is is not clear, some things about nuclear bombs which those experts knew are probably still classified, but internet pundits say not very likely.

Then someone asks about something which couldn't even happen according to that new interpretation, because not enough molten corium in there anymore to make a good and large dirty bomb.

Interestingly, corium has the property of spontaneous dust generation, from self-sputtering by alpha particle release.

While 5 megatons definitely does seem like an overestimation, I think the fear was that it was a much larger mass of molten corium, including not just the fuel itself, but also molten silicon and lead, from the material dumped on the exposed reactor to quench the fires and prevent fallout.

When it comes to the miners, they actually weren't necessary, the corium lava didn't breach the lower levels of concrete, it solidified before that, so all those miners were exposed to all that radiation and risk of cancer needlessly, of course at the time it wasn't known that would be the situation so they made the right call anyways

Physicist Nesterenko says the experts concluded there was a possibility that the corium explosion due to contact with water tank could have magnitude of 3-5 megaton and that Minsk would be erased [1].Now obviously the nuclear explosion of the corium is not entirely impossible, there are known mechanisms which could set it up.

Corium definitions


the deep vascular inner layer of the skin

See also: dermis derma