13 example sentences using delight.
Delight used in a sentence
Delight in a sentence as a noun
It does not have, as its primary goal, the delight of random web users.
They enchant, and they delight, and because of that I will gladly open my pocketbook for Elon Musk.
But the screen size and delight of having so many pixels in a single display is so compelling.
Needless to say, the girls shrieked with delight and I swear they were converted into Formspring lovers for life after that.
Jelly fish are floating piles of goo with absolutely no purpose or delight in life other than being floating piles of goo.
If you maintain a sense of wonder and delight every time you get something new working, you will probably never get burnt out.
That's a broadening experience and an intellectual delight.
Delight in a sentence as a verb
Would that be an absolute delight, the undoing of the horror, the horror?Clearly it would be to some people, but not to me. I'm hardly arguing in favor of eliminating the remaining 30% of the forest and adding another billion or so North Americans.
But whatever the weather trade-offs, it's a delight to be outdoors, and I encourage our children and myself to get out of the house every day, in all seasons, wherever we live.
A computer program automatically torturing applicants with endless puzzle tests is not a way to find talented qualified people with experience delivering working results that delight the user.
Digg engineering already fled, the peanut gallery in the valley keeps squawking with delight about your failure, and all you have left is some nicely designed pages showing double digit gains on stale links that's a shade away from being as if they were spun up by a Russian spam squad.
I had a sudden realization lately that I don't really like myself anymore, because so much of my life now revolves around being awesome in my chosen field, and it's shut out what life's really about, being with awesome people and being able to take delight in their awesomeness even if nobody else does.
So now that you've read Machiavelli and Cialdini, and feel you understand users better... then instead of using that to respond better to them and make the world a better place for them... you decide to take delight in their unhappiness instead?Wow, I've never said something like this on HN before, but unless undetected sarcasm is wooshing over my head: what a *****.
Delight definitions
a feeling of extreme pleasure or satisfaction; "his delight to see her was obvious to all"
See also: delectation
something or someone that provides a source of happiness; "a joy to behold"; "the pleasure of his company"; "the new car is a delight"
See also: pleasure
give pleasure to or be pleasing to; "These colors please the senses"; "a pleasing sensation"
See also: please