Debilitate in a sentence as a verb

And such an extreme edge case that it shouldn't debilitate the whole rest of the system.

10 pushups a day will not debilitate anyone.

Or there viruses [1] that deform the bees' wings that can debilitate the colony.

>Apple is all set to debilitate deep links that were used as mobile app ad-tracking devices.

For others, they can impact or debilitate the entire service.

"The long voyages in weightlessness are bound to substantially debilitate the crew," he added.

Either way it would also be fine to argue that the rights of those people are so important that society can't debilitate them even if it solves cancer and heart disease.

Optimizing for full-stroke punches and kicks effectively forces your strategy to be "debilitate the other guy before he can get inside and close".

Humans can also persevere through extreme injuries that would debilitate an animal, such as traumatic amputation.

Even more importantly, constant reinfection may debilitate the organism so much, that even a healthy person will eventually fall into the risk group.

"slurping radicals debilitate enzymatically" is super high entropy and quite likely easier to remember than "J4fS!2".

Thiel actually lampshades this himself:> Warp drive is in fact hard to take seriously because its basic physics are so far beyond the furthest reaches of our knowledge as to debilitate would-be researchers—not to mention reasonable doubts about the friendliness of faraway foreign species.

Indeed:>led the kind of maladjusted life that contemporary therapies and self-help books are designed to rehabilitate>... suffered the dramatic breakdown that would debilitate him until his death 11 years later> troubled relationship with food throughout his life, ricocheting from one extreme diet to the nextisn't really selling my on the Nietzsche lifestyle.

Debilitate definitions


make weak; "Life in the camp drained him"

See also: enfeeble drain