Persevere in a sentence as a verb

When should a founder give up versus persevere?

Lacking a degree, I had to persevere a bit more when job hunting.

I have a huge amount of respect for those who persevere through that and work towards a healthier life.

I think its best to prepare people for this reality and help them persevere and learn and become stronger.

It can encourage you to seek out and develop that talent, and also to persevere when things are difficult.

What the test didn't measure, however, is a person's will to persevere through the slow progress, constant mistakes, and utter frustration.

Seriously?Why does the idea that Linux is incompatible with profit still persevere?

Let's see... the "fail fast" meme was pushed out by the "pivot" meme, and we're likely to start seeing more of the "persevere at all costs - see, I did it, so you should never ever ever give up ever!

But they must have worth to the startup founder, because without that burning desire to solve that particular problem, how can a startup founder have the mental fortitude to persevere when their first iterations get very negative feedback?

I think she is saying that if you are a woman and you want to be successful in the business world, here are a bunch of stories and anecdotes talking about life is more difficult for you, but you can persevere if you work really hard.

Persevere definitions


be persistent, refuse to stop; "he persisted to call me every night"; "The child persisted and kept asking questions"

See also: persist