Dairy in a sentence as a noun

On this view, you could argue that a dairy cow is a farmer's customer. The cow gets food and pays for it with milk.

They use the same tactics against raw dairy operations.

We want someone who's spend more time on $q than $r and who doesn't lie about fermented dairy and alkaloids." How do I come up with these scenarios?

If mitchty is like all the former dairy farmers I know, it's because dairy farming is a lot of hard work, and it never ends. There are no weekends, and no holidays.

Rofl -- yes indeed, microsoft continues on its "buying dairy cattle for beef" acquisition strategy.

And yogurt is dairy that's already started to go bad. Similarly, for years now supermarkets have been sprinkling select vegetables with regular drops of water--a trend that began in Denmark.

The ham and cheese omelet class is worth special attention because it must inherit characteristics from the pork, dairy and poultry classes. Thus, we see that the problem cannot be properly solved without multiple inheritance.

Even the simple process of drinking water with food will increase your calorific uptake, just ask any dairy farmer; they give water with dry feed for that reason. Fibre, wholewheat and fat will give you less bodily calories than the same calories of sugar.

Or an open market with frequent cartels, to everything from dairy products to RAM? Last, but not least, an open market where a country with a military advantage has several army units deployed and several wars to secure resources and keep their prices down?

Acid whey requires more processing than sweet whey, but it's an established and well-understood problem for the dairy industry. The problem for the yoghurt producer is simply that liquid whey is right at the bottom of the value chain - it requires a great deal of processing to become $8/kg whey protein concentrate or $12/kg whey protein isolate.

Understanding Ricardian/comparative advantage, recognising that dairy is not a matter of national security, and importing it.

Quote Examples using Dairy

My guess is that you haven't spent any actual time on dairy farms. Early in my career I worked in the fertilizer business and a large part of my customer base were dairy farmers. I worked with dairy farmers with as few as 100 cows and as many as 1200. These were family farms and they cared well for the animals. Antibiotics were only used on sick cows and not as a daily regimen. I really respect those guys, most of them are far better businessmen than the tradesmen in town. The few times that I saw animals mistreated were farmers who weren't very long for the dairy business.


Dairy definitions


a farm where dairy products are produced