Mastitis in a sentence as a noun

For example, S. pyogenes can infect a cow udder to cause mastitis.

Afterward, the mastitis, the bleeding nipples, the sharp stabbing pain in your pelvis when you try to do side plank.

Even something simple like a plugged duct leading to mastitis could have been a death sentence not all that long ago.

Every one of those cows is severely prone to mastitis and a host of bacterial infections.

That's a pretty interesting machine, but as you point out far too clean!I also noticed that the cow's teats weren't sprayed or dipped with iodine solution post-milking to prevent mastitis.

Proper Noun Examples for Mastitis

Mastitis is a potentially fatal disease of the udder, usually caused by bacteria entering the teat; many of the practices on a dairy farm make this far more likely, and while of course the farmers are doing all they can to stop it, it is still one of the biggest issues in the industry, and it seems that some level of mastitis is expected in all dairy herds [2].

Mastitis definitions


inflammation of a breast (or udder)