Cursory in a sentence as an adjective

From a cursory glance at the Hubbub source:1.

A cursory look at the graph indicates that the only place women suffered was on their own code.

Declined to press charges?I made a cursory effort to look up the case itself, but I have no idea how to do that.

Those who only take a cursory glance will assume that Reddit started as a porn site, with nsfw dominating.

That can easily be detected and stopped by even the most cursory of server security.

You might believe that on a cursory inspection these are justified if it prevents terrorism.

Not sure how many of you are basketball fans, but if you have even a cursory interest in the sport I suggest you check out this year's NBA finals.

I'm super-interested in thorium reactor research, but this author seems to lack even a cursory understanding of the issues at play.

"Now, yes - somebody could erroneously change the test condition to make it pass, although hopefully that kind of change would be spotted by even a cursory code review.

From a cursory reading, 70% of the comments in here are people who came straight to this page to say "I don't trust Google/why wouldn't they do else>/Google will just shut this down".Can we stop with the kneejerk reactions?

Plus a variety of parties with various interests in the development community were given previous jailbreaks early, which provides at least a cursory level of auditing and sign-off.

I am more worried that, in the most famous newspaper in the most powerful country in the world, opinion pieces are overwhelmingly dominated by emotionally charged anecdotes while actual data plays only a cursory role.

That interviewer was terrible:> How long have you been interested in computer coding, and searching, and things like that?If you're going to have someone do an interview about computer science, at least let the interviewer be someone with a cursory knowledge of the field.

The wifi is a good example: Someone who owns a laptop should have a cursory familiarity with the wireless networking functionality and be able to find and connect to networks, because a laptop is made to be portable and will therefore be expected to use unfamiliar networks.

Cursory definitions


hasty and without attention to detail; not thorough; "a casual (or cursory) inspection failed to reveal the house's structural flaws"; "a passing glance"; "perfunctory courtesy"

See also: casual perfunctory