Cultivator in a sentence as a noun

Here's a nice example - a cultivator which is stirring the soil around each plant while not touching the plants.

A mulch cultivator that seems like a robust and competitive tillage implement.

The druglord would wipe out the mom-and-pop cultivator and happily live ever after with their higher costs.

With a very large field a traditional tractor/plow/disk/seeder/cultivator can do a lot of work in a short amount of time.

Nothing that the cultivator did, or failed to do, went undetected or failed to have consequences in the flavor of the juice.

"The geometrical pattern has been worked up in 1ha blocks using a standard five-metre 33-tyne cultivator.

Farmers used to mechanically remove weeds with a cultivator.

Because they are unable to intimidate or **** other cultivators, like they do in meat space, the druglord could be at a real disadvantage.

Cultivator definitions


someone concerned with the science or art or business of cultivating the soil

See also: agriculturist agriculturalist grower raiser


a farm implement used to break up the surface of the soil (for aeration and weed control and conservation of moisture)

See also: tiller