Agriculturist in a sentence as a noun

And yet it's the agriculturists who are desperate for land.

The first agriculturists must have switched from being hunter gatherers.

Physicists, agriculturist or even a plumber wants to learn how to solve problems using computers.

Hunter-gatherers spend less time working per Calorie of food than agriculturists.

Now put a lot of ignorant agriculturist old men without money that have has the only source of income selling olive oil in front of this disease and you get the results.

The density of these settlements also meant that in any conflict with hunter gatherers over territory, the agriculturists would win.

It's complicated, but hunter gatherers typically lived longer than the first agriculturists.

Wouldn't changing the price agriculturists pays for water be exactly the kind of regulation you're deriding?Though perhaps you are referring to the price of something else?

The archeological record demonstrates that the first agriculturists are worse off than the Hunter-Gatherers who preceded them.

Disagree -- agriculturists & hunter-gatherers are way more familiar with death than moderns because they slaughtered their own livestock.

To be fair, "humans" covers quite different ground when you're talking about on the one hand, spear hunters and shifting-cultivation agriculturists, and on the other, industrial agribusiness, roads and concrete.

So your hypothesis is that what differentiates agriculturists and hunter-gatherers is intelligence?That's an extremely strong statement.

Lysenko was a agriculturist who became famous by inventing an alternative biology similar to Lamarckism where organisms inherit acquired traits.

Heck, there were agriculturists and economists in the 1970s who predicted the famines and poverty that would befall East Africa when Western industrial agriculture methods and agricultural imports were introduced.

Thus, the average—one is tempted to say, the ideal—American citizen now consigns the problem of food production to agriculturists and “agribusinessmen,” the problems of health to doctors and sanitation experts, the problems of education to school teachers and educators, the problems of conservation to conservationists, and so on. This supposedly fortunate citizen is therefore left with only two concerns: making money and entertaining himself.

Hunter-gatherer societies had longer lifespans than sedentary agriculturists, and even the shortest-lived societies generally had life expectancies of over 50 years of age if you made it past 5 or so.> I'd suffer from routine episodes of famine, backbreaking labor,Once again, hunter-gatherers are probably more resistant to famine than settled agriculturalists.

Agriculturist definitions


someone concerned with the science or art or business of cultivating the soil

See also: agriculturalist cultivator grower raiser