Cryptography in a sentence as a noun

"RSA padding" is one of the worst names in cryptography, because it isn't so much "padding" as it is "armor".

I'm not sure I've ever seen a system as popular as this so quickly take a tour of so much of cryptography.

In that context pointing out that a software is broken is not mindless bashing, it is a crucial part of the cryptography process.

The video is full of slander and straight up factual errors and even gets almost all of cryptography and network protocols wrong.

If I had written a book on implementing cryptography in Golang, I assure you that someone else would have reviewed it harshly too.

You can't re-use SSL contexts without installing the cryptography package, which requires, cffi, pycparsers and bunch of other ****.

Some people need good cryptography software to avoid imprisonment, or torture, or state-killing.

Colin, for godssake, take Patrick's advice just as seriously as somebody should take your advice on cryptography.

The reason that cryptographers laugh at people who advertise "military grade cryptography" or "we use AES256" is because the choice of crypto primitives is often less important than how they're composed.

Perhaps he'd have learned about it sooner had more people learned how cryptography actually works, by coding attacks, rather than reading books and coding crypto tools; after all, Colin circulates the code to Tarsnap so people can find exactly these kinds of bugs.

The most dangerous and stupid meme percolating in pop tech culture is that the people engaged with tech culture have a unique claim to computer science, electrical engineering, cryptography, information security, and privacy technology.

How could anyone have any kind of grip on the safety of a system that fundamentally changes its crypto constructions so often?A lesson here: if you have to implement cryptography --- and you and your users would be much better off if you didn't, and rather relied on a standard implementation like PGP --- do one thing and stick with it.

Cryptography definitions


the science of analyzing and deciphering codes and ciphers and cryptograms

See also: cryptanalysis cryptanalytics cryptology


act of writing in code or cipher

See also: coding steganography