Synaesthesia in a sentence as a noun

I once had a friend, over some beers, describe his synaesthesia.

I have the same issue, and with synaesthesia in general.

Just wanted to say that I'm more than happy to answer questions on synaesthesia if any of you are curious.

I’ve got grapheme→colour and sound→colour synaesthesia, and some other, weaker associations.

It might help that I have mild synaesthesia so visualising a number line makes it possible to almost see the conversion.

One could also implement a wireless protocol for the trance vibe info and publish the protocol, so spectators would casually walk in and wirelessly experience the "synaesthesia.

As far as anyone knows, synaesthesia is a fundamental property of how some people's brains are wired, where the interconnections between two areas of sensory cortex are abnormally strong.

Just sounds like radically heightened synaesthesia and sensory sensitivity.

I've been wondering for a while where the boundary for being diagnosed with synaesthesia is - nearly everyone I know has some sort of synaesthesia, even if it's only associating numbers with colors.

Outside of rare people with deep automatic synaesthesia or other sever mental differences, I don't think there's much variation in different peoples' inherent "ability to remember".

I suspect almost everyone has a little synaesthesia, just like almost everyone has a little depression, a little anxiety, a little Borderline Personality, a little schizophrenia...I guess it's only worth giving your mental quirks a name if, say, they're 2 above norm.

Synaesthesia definitions


a sensation that normally occurs in one sense modality occurs when another modality is stimulated

See also: synesthesia