Cryogen in a sentence as a noun

I have a higher up comment but cryogen free magnets exist now.

MRI machines don't actually use liquid cryogens, do they?

There have been some real cryogenic computing devices, though.

I figure Virgin wanted to avoid cryogens, though.

This is called a quench and it can seriously **** up the magnet and cryogen system.

The image they show appears to be of a cryostat that would almost certainly use helium as a cryogen.

There have been breakthroughs in Type 1 superconductors and I believe GE is making an MRI using Hydrogen at 20 Kelvin for the cryogen.

Although past a certain point your cryogen consumption would be constant - you're not getting heat from Sol, you're getting heat from your detectors/equipment... so a sunshield is useless.

It was understood that this capabil­ity would grossly understate the estimated final capacity of the cryogen.

This was expected to be more in keeping with the ultimate capacity of the cryogen at 150 millimeters diameter by 400 millimeters high.

They drift down over time but it likely not be a show stopper, and the cold of space would help them minimize cryogen maintenance times - it would be an activity on the way to or from the planet maybe?

The heat of the escaped plasma will cause the wires to stop superconducting and all of the energy of the magnetic field will very quickly be dumped into heat in the wires, boiling off the cryogens.

Ideally larger satellites with 25/50/100 years of cryogens available for long-duration missions?

Moreover, liquid Hydrogen is a super cryogen whereas liquid methane has a higher boiling point than LOX so handling, materials, and insulation requirements for LCH4 are comparable to LOX.

Not only are the machines costly at the initial purchase, the helium cryogen for keeping the magnet in its superconducting temperature regime is also expensive, and has to be topped up periodically.

The size of the wings, the nature of the thermal protection system, the insulating foam and the use of a super-cryogen as fuel, the side-by-side staging, the use of solid fueled boosters on a manned launcher, etc. Engineering estimates show that we were incredibly, incredibly lucky to have the Shuttle safety record we did, the vehicle was a death-trap.

Cryogen definitions


a liquid that boils at below -160 C and is used as a refrigerant