Crossbeam in a sentence as a noun

I would assume a crossbeam style brick with a reinforced core would fit the bill just fine.

Aaron Turon's thesis has similar proofs for the ones in crossbeam.

"CVE-2020-15254: Undefined behavior in bounded channel of crossbeam rust crate" marked as high.

I think I followed most everything here, although I wondered if the crossbeam inclusion should be in language not library code ... But I don't know enough to press further.

But now there's crossbeam-channel, which is significantly faster, has handles that are more shareable, and it removes the `Result` wrapper around all the operations.

The requests are read, parsed and sent through a crossbeam channel to request workers, which collect a number of them before locking the mutexes guarding shared state and doing work required to generate responses.

Crossbeam definitions


a horizontal beam that extends across something

See also: trave traverse crosspiece