Crispy in a sentence as an adjective

I like my toast crispy, but soft enough that it's not like a crouton.

Salmon isn't always all about the crispy skin.

I think the healthiest food was someone stocked a cupboard with rice crispy squares on each floor too.

I bought ham and pineapple toppings with extra barbecue sauce on a crispy base.

They can be a bit like rubbery noodles if they're not thoroughly dried, or crispy like shredded cabbage if they are.

Besides, the market research reports say America likes crispy cookies, not soft and chewy cookies like you make.

Bacon seems to have an excellent slow release of energy and provided you don't scoff the crispy fatty rind is perfectly healthy.

The author acknowledges that other types of fries are also great, but this article is about the perfect "thin and crispy" fry, rather than the perfect thicker style fry.

It must seem like a coup to military brass to be able to blow terrorists into a hot mess of crispy giblets without sending a single human being within a hundred kilometers of the target.

Even though I eat a generally healthy diet, even I can't resist the pull of the Dorito... There's just something about salty, savoury, crispy, fatty and sometimes spicy treats that is so appealing.

Crispy definitions


tender and brittle; "crisp potato chips"

See also: crisp