Commute in a sentence as a noun

Maybe you commute to work; maybe that takes you 45 minutes each way.

Relatedly, it's worth a lot of money to **** your commute.

If I had to commute to work every day I'd basically see her on weekends and miss out on her every-day life.

I realize people need transportation but I had hoped the rising cost of oil would cause a paradigm shift in how we commute, and that doesn't seem to be happening anytime soon.

Also our food is better, we have all four seasons, and most of your employees wouldn't even need a special bus to commute, because our public transportation actually works.

Commute in a sentence as a verb

If the Google founders want to agitate for Green laws that make Joe Sixpack's daily commute more expensive at the same time that they buy discount avgas for their private flying **** palaces, then isn't that their right?

You demand that every employee commute to your offices because you have an antiquated "asses in seats" busywork mentality or a "no remote work" policy.

Most can't afford that close to work, which means they make the economic choice to trade the commute time for that "dream".That's fine but the problem is that government subsidizes that dream to a ridiculous degree.

Now, if youre not from the USA, I can already hear you objecting that its impractical to drive a small fleet of ocean-going vessels on suburban streets, or that its wasteful to retain a staff of thousands just to make the daily commute, or that its not all that great, environment-wise, to knock over city blocks every time I make a Starbucks run.

Commute definitions


a regular journey of some distance to and from your place of work; "there is standing room only on the high-speed commute"


exchange positions without a change in value; "These operators commute with each other"

See also: transpose


travel back and forth regularly, as between one's place of work and home


change the order or arrangement of; "Dyslexics often transpose letters in a word"

See also: permute transpose


exchange a penalty for a less severe one

See also: convert exchange


exchange or replace with another, usually of the same kind or category; "Could you convert my dollars into pounds?"; "He changed his name"; "convert centimeters into inches"; "convert holdings into shares"

See also: change exchange convert