Counselling in a sentence as a noun

Yeah, maybe they should have sent Aaron off for counselling.

After the 4th time I contemplated ending my life I went to my school counselling center.

I don't know, it seems to me that in the Western world, parents try to talk to their kids, or try to go counselling or something.

Talking therapies, counselling, journalling, and ***** all help.

Hopefully the teen idiot will have something good come of his counselling and the world will be a slightly better place.

To this day career counselling focuses almost completely on interests and lifestyle and ignores salary.

"In the United Kingdom, talk therapies or counselling in conjunction with medication are considered best practice.

My interview then turns in a small career counselling session telling them to learn and how learning to learn is important because it breaks my heart to see the young ones come out with no ability.

Do start-up incubators like YCombinator and 500 Startups provide advice and counselling to founders, especially younger entrepreneurs just out of college?

There are strict rules and guidelines in the program but in return they receive bedding, food, clean clothes and clean environment to live in, classes to help you finish your high school diploma, computer lessons, emotional and spiritual support, and career counselling, etc.

Their entire system is geared towards growing the resilience and emotional intelligence in each child - psychological counselling, individualized student guidance, free school meals and easy access to health care are available for every student.

Counselling definitions


something that provides direction or advice as to a decision or course of action

See also: guidance counsel counseling direction