Corroboration in a sentence as a noun

Is there any corroboration from "our" Derek Sivers that this is indeed him?

Sure, but they have to believe they're never going to get that corroboration until the story gets some legs.

However, before sentencing EasyJet, it would be nice to have a corroboration of the facts.

Or the reader who knowingly accepts the result despite it being published without peer review and/or corroboration?

If they loved the movie but hear no applause or other corroboration, their enthusiasm for spreading positive buzz about the movie is vastly diminished.

Also, a Valley salary corroboration was exposed recently[2].

][Sexual assaults often have forensic evidence as corroboration so unlike the emotive arguments put forward, they do not actually always end up as he-said, she-said credibility competitions.

If substantiated through proposal of a suitable mechanism, correlation is solid corroboration of a causality-claim.

Plea bargains are coercive, undermining our rights to a trial by the jury of our peers, and are likely coercing false testimony/false corroboration of evidence against 3rd parties far more than they shouldMore trials for actual bad things, fewer arrests for just marginally bad things, and less prosecutorial discretion is what we need here.

Corroboration definitions


confirmation that some fact or statement is true through the use of documentary evidence

See also: documentation certification