Cope in a sentence as a noun

It's shared hosting and I'm not sure how well it will cope with top-of-HN.

I dont think weve figured out how to cope with effectful systems and the real world having a time dimension very well yet.

The 24 fps speed is a relic from the stone age of cinema, back when technology simply could not cope with higher frame rates.

Although we'd better stop there, because I won't be able to cope with the ensuing philosophical back-and-forth.

I'd been hired part-time, but I worked full time, and then some, spurred on by my mis-placed sense of loyalty and necessity to cope with my workload.

Let them die of exposure if they haven't saved a fortune and can't cope gracefully with rapid technological progress.

Rather than criticize his failures, lets make a note of how fragile our human psyches are and work towards helping one another cope with our internal battles.

Cope in a sentence as a verb

I moved from Flickr to Picasa as it could cope with the directories full of photos and I didn't have to manually upload them and Google's storage space was cheaper.

That is because cortisol is required to rise to the "stress" of every day living standing up from sitting is a stress, making decisions, etc., all create tiny spikes of cortisol to help you cope.

The author's complains are a sober reminder that society is not yet ready, and has not yet evolved all the infrastructure it will need to cope with rising global Bitcoin adoption.

Nut just a fund for legal and living expenses and therapy to cope with the stress, but much more importantly, reliable relationships with people who are supporting, compassionate and willing to listen.

The idea that an MBA can never be of any value to anything other than a large corporation is as ridiculous as the idea that a coder who learnt Java and the Waterfall method at college will never be able to learn Objective C and cope with Agile.

In contrast, those same institutions do not yet know how to cope with the use of Bitcoin for illegal activities.--Edits: moved comparison of Bitcoin to gold and cash to footnote; also, made minor changes to several sentences so they more accurately reflect what I intended to write in the first place.

If SinoGov, or crazy terrorists, or AnonSecOfTheWeek, or whatever, attack US Companies, and private enterprise can't cope, it's reasonable for USGov to fight on behalf of Americans and American companies, and that might include giving them advice on cybersecurity, and that might involve giving them the equivalent of virus definitions, and saying "block all traffic that matches this signature and you'll be in better shape".

Cope definitions


brick that is laid sideways at the top of a wall

See also: header coping


a long cloak; worn by a priest or bishop on ceremonial occasions


come to terms with; "We got by on just a gallon of gas"; "They made do on half a loaf of bread every day"

See also: contend grapple deal manage