Convince in a sentence as a verb

If you want to hire me, you should be the one jumping through hoops to convince me I should quit my job and work for you.

Yes, you're right, at this point, it would take something extremely radical to convince us that the NSA isn't spying on us anymore.

Instead [...] we must work in sales and marketing to convince someone with money to trade cash for our trinket, so that we can have purchasing power to access the natural bounty of the land.

It doesn't have to hold you back - your attitude has to convince a potential employer that your background makes you a great candidate, not a worse one.

Sometimes I would convince someone of my point of view sometimes it was the other way around, sometimes there just wasn't agreement to be found.

[4]Many of you may say that I'm missing the point; that his ability to convince others of what was important and his "vision" is what made him great.

Despite what hacker news and TechCrunch try to convince you, running a company is a job just the same as building an engineering system.

They must be BS charges, but lucky for them they manage to convince those people to agree with a "lesser punishment" before there even is a trial.

If you ask me, one of Google's biggest strategic successes was their ability to convince an entire generation of engineers that they were something other than a company.

Convince definitions


make (someone) agree, understand, or realize the truth or validity of something; "He had finally convinced several customers of the advantages of his product"

See also: convert