Conspicuous in a sentence as an adjective

I see that Google, Facebook, Microsoft et al are conspicuous by their absence from that list.

"Those who buy and use its products are primarily concerned with advertising the fact that they use Apple products - conspicuous consumption.

So... you're worried about laptops?The Double seems to be roughly a meter tall with a conspicuous screen and wheel, making it a poor fit for malicious surveillance.

Always give recipients the conspicuous and easy ability to unsubscribe.

There are many off-the-shelf recording devices that are far less conspicuous; you have probably already been photographed hundreds of times by such devices.

The pervasive availability of bug-tracking systems and/or bug-reporting email addresses makes the absence of one quite conspicuous.

It's very distracting when a professor is giving an in-depth lecture, then suddenly, the "good student" pops their face up from their daily planner and raises their hand in the most conspicuous way possible.

Nobody should be under any illusions that Teslas save money; they're trying to use the luxury "conspicuous conservation" market to fund enough R&D to get to the point where electric will be cheaper.

It's a form of cost-free conspicuous po-facedness to which you set your facebook status to mark yourself as being morally superior to the less sophisticated USA-USA chanting crowd.

Conspicuous definitions


obvious to the eye or mind; "a tower conspicuous at a great distance"; "wore conspicuous neckties"; "made herself conspicuous by her exhibitionistic preening"


without any attempt at concealment; completely obvious; "blatant disregard of the law"; "a blatant appeal to vanity"; "a blazing indiscretion"

See also: blatant blazing