Conjurer in a sentence as a noun

You are now a level 14 code conjurer.

I like "Clojurer" 'cuz it reminds me of "conjurer"

If I'm a 'little awake' I make movies/stories in my head in as much detail as I can conjurer.

As I noted, generally if you're going to conjure an explanation into being, the burden of proof is on the conjurer, not the listener.

There's not ample evidence to support that he was a con-man.> Claims that Joseph was a "juggler," or "conjurer" were a common 19th century method of dismissing his prophetic claims via ad hominem.

Conjurer definitions


someone who performs magic tricks to amuse an audience

See also: magician prestidigitator conjuror illusionist


a witch doctor who practices conjury

See also: conjuror