Conflagration in a sentence as a noun

In the thesaurus, "conflagration" and "fire" are synonyms, but in fact they don't mean quite the same thing.

He lit a match in a dry field and wrote a blog post about how he railed earnestly against the coming of the conflagration.

Crazy how little actual conflagration there is. I would have expected a big fireball when that much RP-1 and LOX explodes.

" I shall then move for a humble nomination\nOf the synonym as an ailment for our present day conflagration.

If they do ship something that makes the "paedo/stalker threat" easy to implement they'll deserve the resulting PR conflagration.

So the alternative to the current policy is conflagration.

Much like how some dying stars go supernova, large dying companies often explode in a conflagration of litigation.

However, according to archaeological studies, there is no sign of a conflagration.

Shouldn't have left that in there - it's a conflagration of a number of stats showing upward mobility for the next generation in a lot of the western world has stalled or is going backwards.

It does seem like there is an approximate 50 year cycle of large conflagration, perhaps because that is the approximate human generation, just enough time for people to forget the futility of war. Hopefully history will not repeat itself, but it often does.

I'm remembering other accounts saying that one of the Navy commanders at the end was eager to see everything go up in a giant conflagration if necessary.

Our financial system has become much like a poorly managed forest, harboring within it the increasing probability of a systemic and destructive conflagration.

The risk of a destructive conflagration even when it is also harmful to the people who start the destruction is an impetus to solve disputes peacefully and fairly, and to not push structural power imbalances too far to gain an advantage.

The altercations in the park, the rerouted walks to school, the aggravations of daily life are the lower end of a continuum – a dull drumbeat that occasionally crescendos into violent confrontation and even social conflagration.

Corp speak - By aggressively optimizing our resource acquisition, we invest in solution innovation inflammation conflagration immolation.

How do you be sure that people don't post hateful provocative lies about people that make them the subject of this social pressure, or at the far end, mob violence?It's not about "keeping it quiet," it's about being responsible and filtering what you say before you just upload it to the world, because it could turn into a conflagration.>you've seen how this works at universitiesI saw a while back how a campus exploded because somebody saw a person walking at night with a blanket wrapped around them and thought it was a KKK member.

Conflagration definitions


a very intense and uncontrolled fire

See also: inferno