Confirmation in a sentence as a noun

When users create an account, they get a confirmation email.

It can muddy research and lead to confirmation bias.

Clicking the link in that confirmation email redirects them to the Persona site, not back to your site.

In that respect, there's both a huge confirmation bias and huge self-selection bias.

They eventually did get a confirmation from the 88th precinct that I was there, which of course no one relayed to me.

I would not take some offhanded remark from an outsourced, minimum wage, offshore worker as confirmation of anything.

The main thing that this new release reveals is not the scope of the data collection, but confirmation that analysts are given free reign to perform queries.

What if the app doesn't implement a timeout?Basically, if I don't get a real, delayed, "sent" confirmation, then I know there was a problem and can investigate or try again.

If your email provider doesn't support Persona, Mozilla will certify your identity after you click a confirmation link sent to your email address.

There is no end game in any of these assertions of power other than expression and confirmation of power: not security, not prosperity, not even the welfare of the nation.

Essentially they receive confirmation messages for mobile payments to a particular number and we wrote an Android app that generates a unique activation code and sends it back to the payer.

But if I get an instantaneously "sent" confirmation, and then don't get a "sorry, there was a sending error" message, I can't be 100% confident that the data actually got to the server, because maybe there was a problem with triggering the error message.

A proper solution for this problem might be as simple as sending out an email with clickthrough-link-confirmation before replacement shipping; this would raise the bar from "knowing about an order" to "knowing about an order, and having an active compromise on the mark's inbox".

Confirmation definitions


additional proof that something that was believed (some fact or hypothesis or theory) is correct; "fossils provided further confirmation of the evolutionary theory"

See also: verification check substantiation


information that confirms or verifies


making something valid by formally ratifying or confirming it; "the ratification of the treaty"; "confirmation of the appointment"

See also: ratification


a ceremony held in the synagogue (usually at Pentecost) to admit as adult members of the Jewish community young men and women who have successfully completed a course of study in Judaism


a sacrament admitting a baptized person to full participation in the church