Concurrency in a sentence as a noun

The benefit of using Go is that it's fast to write and has good concurrency features.

And it also does what it's advertised to do: excel at concurrency.

But it has also adopted all of Java's concurrency constructs.

I would -love- to see haxl-like implicit concurrency in other languages that feel as natural and concise.

Back when Java was being created, James Gosling was pretty insistent that concurrency be lightweight and scalable.

F#, Clojure, Scala, Erlang and Node are all approaches to concurrency that doesn't involve the developer dealing with threads.

Is it a question of proper tools, such as better native support for concurrency in languages, or of execution frameworks?

However, there aren't many practical projects, even ones that are highly concurrency dependent, that use Erlang.

It is opinionated about concurrency, memory management, types, message passing, etc.

Concurrency definitions


agreement of results or opinions

See also: concurrence


acting together, as agents or circumstances or events

See also: concurrence