Conceptualization in a sentence as a noun

That conceptualization of "togetherness" as a couple doesn't exist in their minds.

It's not really fun after the initial conceptualization is done.

Abstraction, when used properly, allows you to reuse code which is a good thing, but it comes at a cost, it sacrifices conceptualization.

If you are an absolute beginner then you won't yet have any conceptualization of the pain points and Rails will just seem needlessly complex.

This seems to be a conceptualization of a junior executive and her family.

But I will say that taking English and coming up with replacements for English words means that you are locked into an English conceptualization of the world.

I agree with you but your conceptualization doesn't explain why people should put up with suffering just because they've seen suffering and are used to suffering.

It's just an example of execution having more impact than conceptualization.

That means better execution from product conceptualization and innovation right through to marketing and sales.

Others where just enamored of the idea of being an entrepreneur, with no real conceptualization of what that meant, and no business-worthy idea to build upon.

Often the naive conceptualization is that a given component is usable in every possible context.

I have complained bitterly about the stupidity of full-screen programs from their early pre-Windows 8 conceptualization.

I am giving due credit to all parties; you are omitting/trivializing all the conceptualization that went into an earlier concept - the ones that Apple's products were based upon.

I'm a software engineer who is capable of improving or tweaking a design as the project requirements change, but I can't do the entire process from conceptualization to visual design.

The xerox interface was more akin to emacs multi-document mode, there was no desktop metaphor, no file/folders organization, no trash can, the menubar was a very different conceptualization, etc.

Their conceptualization was here and elsewhere repeatedly and consistently one of rights belonging universally and naturally to man, regardless of his language, or country, or existing social compact.

I think that would have pervasive implications on everyone, and with a necessary cultural shift away from consumption towards conceptualization and self actualization, we might be able to get a majority of people taking up creative endeavors to improve the world in ways our current economic engine doesn't come close to promoting.

Conceptualization definitions


inventing or contriving an idea or explanation and formulating it mentally

See also: conceptualisation formulation


an elaborated concept

See also: conceptualisation conceptuality