Compulsory in a sentence as an adjective

I have seen some chief stewardess resisting to bring it, just to avoid having to write the compulsory report.

It is because the US Congress wrote something called a compulsory license into the copyright law.

That is, perhaps adoption by same-sex couples should not just be permitted, but random and compulsory.

If failure to answer becomes evidence of guilt, then answering is compulsory, and therefore falls under the 5th amendment.

If you force these companies to secure direct deals with labels because the compulsory rates are not equitable, you will get what just happened with iTunes Radio.

The artist community should be interested in making their music as easy to license as possible, a la compulsory licenses.

Drafting people against their will into compulsory service in signals-intelligence, forcing them to lie to their loved ones and the world, and persecuting them for honesty, is absolutely amoral.

> I find value in these thingsWell then good for you, and you should be able to merge all your accounts with Google into one; but why should this be almost compulsory?What's more, if there's so much value into this, why does Google have to force its users to do it?

Compulsory definitions


required by rule; "in most schools physical education is compulsory"; "attendance is mandatory"; "required reading"

See also: mandatory required