Compose in a sentence as a verb

You can compose your code more easily and freely.

And of course, they clear the message you carefully composed.

Not only can pattern matching match on values, but it can decompose those values.

So after you compose a message, you realize you have to hit backspace to get the order number.

I can't usefully improvise or compose for more than about two hours at a time, or more than four hours in a day.

Klaupacius challenges it: "Have it compose a poem -- a poem about a haircut!

[1,2,3,4] == 1:[2,3,4]\n\nSo when we send [1,2,3,4] into `f`, it gets decomposed into ` 1:[2,3,4] ` where 1 gets put into `p` and [2,3,4] gets put into `xs`.This is a very common idiom in Haskell.

Lenses are highly principled and compose and combine in ridiculous ways while maintaining their exact behavior.

When I complained to a friend at Google about the new GMail compose, he said that what was driving it was that Larry wanted a beautiful, consistent look throughout all Google's products.

Is handled by an "Action", and you are able to compose multiple actions together and come up with some nice implementations for say validating permissions.

In our pattern matching decomposition, we pull off the first value of the list and store it in `x`, and we take the rest of the list and store it in `xs`.Now in our function body, we recompose a list with different values.

There are composers who claim to do regular eight-hour days, but when you look deeper they invariably spend most of that day arranging or transcribing or recording into the computer, stuff that's essentially just admin.

If a really interesting item comes up on HN that requires, say, a solid hour to compose a thoughtful response -- something very technical that would benefit from some number crunching -- there is very little motivation to commit the time to write that response.

At 18 I knew: C, C++, 80x86 assembler, shell script, Perl, how to compose and validate an IP packet, the OSI networking model, basic protocol design, peer to peer protocol design concepts, and quite a bit about cryptography including how to properly construct an authenticated cryptographic envelope and the importance of choosing the right block cipher mode of operation.

Compose definitions


form the substance of; "Greed and ambition composed his personality"


write music; "Beethoven composed nine symphonies"

See also: write


produce a literary work; "She composed a poem"; "He wrote four novels"

See also: write indite


put together out of existing material; "compile a list"

See also: compile


calm (someone, especially oneself); make quiet; "She had to compose herself before she could reply to this terrible insult"


make up plans or basic details for; "frame a policy"

See also: frame