Compliancy in a sentence as a noun

The only thing I can think of are some of the compliancy rules for gov/corp work coming up in 2014 & 2015.

Then comes the compliancy part, where code is executed to ensure that the node is configured the way you want it.

The YUI rich text editor is pretty damn good, especially when it comes to cross browser compliancy.

I've never had a "license compliancy audit" run longer than 30 minutes or so and maybe two dozen pieces of paper.

Does anybody know if these tools still the go-to tools for IDS and compliancy scanning, or have they been replaced since I first took a look at them?

They ask for voluntary compliancy as any court challenge against their orders would see the orders revoked.

So one of my friends says that a potential issue is accessibility compliancy.

But if we focus on the compiler, and allow a little fudge in compliancy, I think there are some individuals who could do it in a year.

5. threaten a compliancy audit unless they re-sign.

When I was working for a company with SOX compliancy, direct DB access was highly regulated and audited.

Obviously we are all human and I could ask why and try to plead my case, but I should also expect that after some time of non-compliancy I may be detained.

It's either there's a standard, and adherents must follow its core features to get the compliancy stamp, or there are no standards, and each go its merry way, up to third parties to follow up on all the completely different API resulting from that.

Our work is about bringing these solutions together into a unified UX and ensuring compliancy / security across the stack, while gradually introducing secure and compliant native functionality.

Compliancy definitions


a disposition or tendency to yield to the will of others

See also: complaisance compliance obligingness deference