Communicate in a sentence as a verb

You'll start a session at home, go to the office, and... nothing... because you can't communicate over that UDP port.

Securing rights for all the materials we wanted to use took months just because of how hard it was to find people and communicate with them.

However, they also need to communicate with outside contractors.

The primary purpose of colors should be to communicate more information without us having to think about.

So in it's eagerness to scoop up all digital communications, it killed the majormost way for citizens to communicate while in the midst of a civil war.

I contacted Expedia again to ask WTF is going on, and their response was that they are not allowed to communicate with the collections agency once the matter has been given to them.

Is Vine really a radical new way to communicate, or is it merely the nadir of audiovisual culture, fragmenting the world into six-second shards of nothingness?

But you can't assume everyone who hasn't taken a vow not to use a smartphone is the same - I have a smartphone, so do all my friends, and yet we're all somehow able to communicate to one another in person.

It takes the ability to internalize massive amounts of detail, organize it into some coherent frame work and then communicate that framework as needed to various levels in the language they understand.

Maybe you don't need them, but Hotmail, Gmail and Yahoo Mail enable hundreds of millions of people to communicate _for free_ with other people around the world that otherwise wouldn't be technically competent enough to buy a domain name and set up a local mail server.

Communicate definitions


transmit information ; "Please communicate this message to all employees"; "pass along the good news"

See also: pass


transmit thoughts or feelings; "He communicated his anxieties to the psychiatrist"

See also: intercommunicate


transfer to another; "communicate a disease"

See also: convey transmit


join or connect; "The rooms communicated"


be in verbal contact; interchange information or ideas; "He and his sons haven't communicated for years"; "Do you communicate well with your advisor?"


administer Communion; in church


receive Communion, in the Catholic church

See also: commune