Intercommunicate in a sentence as a verb

But you can have lots of programs that intercommunicate via messages.- Finding out about the world is done by ray casting.

I still dream of world where I can combine a hodge-podge of services that intercommunicate through open protocols.

The Unix way of design involves the creation of independent programs that intercommunicate via files and/or pipes.

In my opinion, when these will come together and intercommunicate with one another then we can say they represent the competition.

The argument I'm pursuing is that if you get rid of God, if you let monads actually intercommunicate, if you reinvent Leibniz's continuum of infinite confusion and infinite clarity of knowledge as entropy and information, you're pretty close to cybernetics.

But I agree with the statement that Chinese people will probably be well able to intercommunicate with a dedicated Westerner who immerses himself in the standard language of China for a year--but largely because the speakers of the standard language in China are well used to nonstandard speech from the lips of their own compatriots who grew up in other regions.

Intercommunicate definitions


be interconnected, afford passage; "These rooms intercommunicate"


transmit thoughts or feelings; "He communicated his anxieties to the psychiatrist"

See also: communicate