Commandment in a sentence as a noun

When Moses came down with the commandment: "thou shalt not steal" that was regulation.

This is HN, we have but one great commandment, which we repeat like parrots!Ship it tomorrow!

The lessons in that book are somewhat of a 'commandment set' for me. Its terrible what she has gone through.

For programmers, "don't build logic-bombs and back-doors" would be an obvious first commandment.

It applies to one-shot commands that you'd use in shell pipelines; that's why the other commandment is to use text streams.

If you read the linked article, you see the explanation: the fourth commandment specifies resting on the seventh day.

Respecting and protecting human dignity is the highest commandment of the German Basic Law.

Heh, my 1st commandment of multithreaded programming is: share as little as possible, isolate data in each thread and hand-off ownership between threads.

I have one additional commandment, which I try to follow, and which is either a corollary to or a summary of several of Russell's:Always keep in mind that at least some of your students will be smarter than you.

Quote Examples using Commandment

But consider, for a moment, even the most famous set of rules, the ten commandments: 1. You shall have no other Gods 2. You shall make no artwork to be used as an idol 3. You shall not misuse God's name 4. You shall rest on the seventh day 5.


Commandment definitions


something that is commanded


a doctrine that is taught; "the teachings of religion"; "he believed all the Christian precepts"

See also: teaching precept