Precept in a sentence as a noun

I wish all writing/journalism classes devoted a week to this precept.

Yes its a fundamental precept of any new business idea that existing competition validates the idea, it doesn't shoot it down.

C++ added flexibility to the system thereby violating this precept.

Remember lex parsimoniae, otherwise known as "Occam's razor", the precept that the simplest explanation tends to be correct.

I wrote that as a snarky way of poking a little fun at the fact that he somewhat inelegantly states a precept which -- as noted in other comments in this thread -- is kind of "Writing 101.

This is commonly known as the "null hypothesis".To a pseudoscientist, the guiding precept is that an idea is assumed to be true until contradicting evidence appears.

As long as we're not concerning ourselves with "right" or "wrong" here, we could simply accept the precept that if the courts fail to deliver acceptable results to the litigants, they might seek them out by other means.

> militantly anti-government perspectives on NSA surveillanceThis points to a flaw in the logic of governance that results in accumulated errors when it's used as a precept.

There was the moral precept of 'no taxation without representation' and the early government understood that debt incurred the future taxation of people who would not be able to go back in time and vote against the spending[0].

The psychological precept of projection on an institutional level effectively inspiring terrorist behavior, to further continue what the institution was doing.

I just read this yesterday in the New Yorker piece about JD.[1] When he was a teen-ager, Dorsey told me, he read a book about tea ceremonies and was impressed by the Japanese precept of wabi-sabi, which holds that the greatest beauty comes from organization with a dash of disorder.

Precept definitions


rule of personal conduct

See also: principle


a doctrine that is taught; "the teachings of religion"; "he believed all the Christian precepts"

See also: teaching commandment