Babu in a sentence as a noun

You have to know and have experienced the 'babu-culture' to appreciate the article, there's no way around it.

I do agree that this is some what of "babu" type mentality but there have to be fundamental changes in the structure/process of computer usage in India.

If I have to blame one thing and only one thing, I will spare the Indian politician and blame the "babu-giri", Indian Civil Services, which is still modeled around its colonial predecessor.

Yeah it is a glorified hosting service with reviews and I am not worried about the technical capability of the government, I am worried that the 'babu' culture of India will make this simple thing needlessly complicated.

I got the Kodak video cameras:Playsport - waterproof\nPlaytouch - for non waterproof and editing videoLove them both - I have two smartphones and do take pics and record video too - but for taking video or pics of my babu, recreation, or just fun - the dedicated device is actually really useful.

Babu definitions


used as a Hindi courtesy title; equivalent to English `Mr'

See also: baboo