Coming in a sentence as a noun

The money is good while it's coming in and you get to make your own hours.

* If they were in your name, well, that sucks, but still nobody is coming for your house.

"Don't worry", coming from people who I'm going to owe money to, generally makes me worry.

* If your payables and debts are all in the company's name, nobody is coming for your house.

There's not much magic coming from Cupertino lately.

Hi everyone -A full post-mortem is coming, but here's what happened from my perspective.

If it's been downgraded, I know to be on guard for bean-counters coming after my relationship with them.

You also start to get a long view on things, where all these new things coming out don't really seem to offer any advantage to you that keeps development fun.

I can see where that is coming from, but the main factor that needs to be taken into account is the kind and scale of poverty that exists in India.

Scolding and finger-wagging was bad enough coming from a first-grade teacher trying to promote sanctimonious values back in the 1950s.

Coming in a sentence as an adjective

These aren't university trained computer programmers coming over like H1-B visa getters.

A few years ago I was approached by a headhunter for a publicly-traded software company about coming on as their general counsel.

The four of us have been working very hard on this for the last six months, and we're excited to finally take the wraps off. Can't wait to hear what you think!We've got a lot more stuff coming over the next few months, and if there are particular things you'd like us to do/prioritize, I'd love to hear about them!

I think coming into the tech world with the attitude that men need to be stood up to and knocked down is just going to come across to many of us as the same bullying attitude we grew up with.

Cinema 4K and consumer 4K are not in competition with each other, and there was never a chance of 4K content coming out of the camera at 4096x2560 and making it to a consumer display.

Instead bad people could not only sit there and read all my incoming mail - but they could use my server to spam people and get me blacklisted and blocked from so many other services I worked so hard to be trusted by.

Given that this will likely trigger an audit and potentially hundreds of thousands of dollars of fines for you, how about we just agree to give my client what he has coming to him, and you report an inadvertent paperwork screwup to the tax authority when you pay your fair share?

In 30 more years all the languages will change, all the tech will be different but the problems will be related to today's problems and the more you learn to stretch your mind and solve problems with many different approaches the more valuable you will be in the complex future that is coming at us every single day.

But in a Europe coming out of feudalism where they were trying to define national loyalties and borders, worried about losing territory to the neighboring country, worried about all sorts of things that look foolish from a modern perspective, well, if Jews weren't going to care if they were Polish or Russian, that was a huge problem.

Coming definitions


the act of drawing spatially closer to something; "the hunter's approach scattered the geese"

See also: approach approaching


arrival that has been awaited (especially of something momentous); "the advent of the computer"

See also: advent


the temporal property of becoming nearer in time; "the approach of winter"

See also: approach approaching


the moment of most intense pleasure in sexual intercourse

See also: orgasm climax


of the relatively near future; "the approaching election"; "this coming Thursday"; "the forthcoming holidays"; "the upcoming spring fashions"

See also: approaching forthcoming upcoming