Colostomy in a sentence as a noun

My cousin has had a colostomy bag for the past four years.

Women would rather have a colostomy bag than a ****** bag.

I don't think any woman in the world would date a guy with a colostomy bag.

And so, 80 year old women get pulled out of line to have their colostomy bags inspected.

No colostomy bag, no hassles, just 4 more decades of good life.

I'd take the colostomy bag, even if it's an extreme struggle.

Won't you regret that you didn't take that colostomy bag to live long enough to see the job thru and have fun?Still waiting to take that bag?

No it's not but the complications caused by it can be. If you are willing to live a miserable life with a colostomy bag and tons of med's that make you feel like **** then no its not fatal.

If they hire people who have colostomy bags they won't even have to worry about micromanaging their bathroom use.

Not to mention any time you need that privacy whether it's GI issues or adjusting your colostomy bag or whatever.

Some thug killed a surgeons family, so he uses that paralysis drug to perform a colostomy, amongst other tortures.

I'm also interested if there are any first-rate deafblind Web design bloggers in Poland who have to use a colostomy bag.

Am I the only one who gets the feeling that an "Alternative colostomy" would be more pleasant than an "Alternative MBA program"?

A year later, I was having a full resection, chemo, radiation treatment, and a permanent colostomy.

"The outcome of this MRI will determine whether your surgery is go or no-go, the surgery can leave you with a colostomy bag for the rest of your life.

Then when people are thrown out of hospitals by the ends of their colostomy bags and IVs, a single payer system might appear to be a bit better solution.

If treatment succeeded, you have costs associated with the constant infections related to a colostomy bag.

> "Congress has sat idly by as the TSA strip searches 85-year-old grandmothers in New York, pats down 3-year-olds in Chattanooga, and checks colostomy bags for explosives in Orlando.

Colostomy definitions


a surgical operation that creates an opening from the colon to the surface of the body to function as an anus