Aleatory in a sentence as an adjective

I switched to aleatory ones after reading a DeepMind pre-print that's been going round.

It's not that different from using aleatory methods, found art, or collage.

In contrast to Ulysses we are only given aleatory images for the first 100 pages.

The nodes can be connected in any aleatory way, you can even make circuits.

Would it be correct to say that all of their uncertainty regarding the outcome of the roulette wheel is aleatory?2.

It chooses an aleatory sequence of 3 Tor nodes that changes every 10 minutes.

Ah yes, this gets at an interesting side note, which is the difference between epistemic and aleatory uncertainty.

She mentions that probability and law are intertwined, in particular in two aspects: degrees of proof, and aleatory contracts.

The difference between epistemic and aleatory uncertainty is not well understood even in the machine learning world.

An aleatory list that groups 2 whistle blowers and a Russian human rights activist with an Iranaian military leader and Mexican drug lord.

QM uncertainty is aleatory, while issues of measurement precision are epistemic.

Most applications of machine learning to domains where uncertainty needs to be quantified use aleatory uncertainty, when epistemic uncertainty is the right one.

I went for "arbitrary, stochastic, erratic, haphazard, aleatory".

His claim is that aleatory probability starts with the assumption that you have a standard six-sided die with all sides weighted equally, but that epistemic uncertainty requires accounting for the uncertainty that you have a fair die, or even that it has six sides.

> In the first place, singularities-events correspond to heterogeneous series which are organized into a system which is neither stable nor unstable, but rather 'metastable', endowed with a potential energy wherein the differences between series are distributed... In the second place, singularities possess a process of auto-unification, always mobile and displaced to the extent that a paradoxical element traverses the series and makes them resonate, enveloping the corresponding singular points in a single aleatory point and all the emissions, all dice throws, in a single cast.-- Deleuze, as quoted in Sokal and Bricmont's "Fashionable Nonsense.

Aleatory definitions


dependent on chance; "the aleatory element in life"