Collector in a sentence as a noun

I wonder if rocket scientists say "It's not like we're building a garbage collector".

Java still has the edge in one area: HotSpot has a precise garbage collector, something Go doesn't currently have. But I have a feeling that gap is going to be closed.

Unless it has sentimental or collector value. But if you don't mind the expense, even with bad strings and tuning pins, the piano can be fixed and tuned.

The title Cocktails for programmers gives me the same feeling as would the phrase Leaf blowers for stamp collectors. Yes, a stamp collector might use a leaf blower, but it would not be relevant to collecting stamps.

* The garbage collector is quite slow, especially on the iPhone. So you have to be careful about the number of objects you've got in flight, even/especially strings.

The garbage collector does not, of course, exist on iOS, and this bug has nothing to do with garbage collection. It's just a memory leak due to bad manual memory management.

Though many Bitcoin fans don't quite realize it, Bitcoin's radical transparency could in fact be a tax-collector's wet dream. Every public-key, balance, and transaction is public.

Of course functional languages have hidden and not-so-hidden costs too, starting with the garbage collector, but including the time taken to get the larger working set into cache. I'm interested in any studies that look at these total costs in real systems.

The implementation will need a garbage-collector, a delicate, complicated, and cumbersome piece of code to write. To make it acceptably fast, you'll need to write a JIT, which traces and profiles running code, then hot-swaps out JITted routines without missing a beat.

The OP is confused --- a proper garbage collector will collect cyclic structures. The situation that he describes was a problem in versions of IE prior to ie8 because of limitations on its garbage collector --- specifically that it was unable to collect cycles if the cycle involved a DOM element.

For example, if you say "C," a partial answer would be "I'd have to write my own garbage collector," whereas for Golang or Lua that wouldn't be the case. The enlightenment experience you want out of this self-study is realizing that it's very difficult to express the ideas embodied in the Arc codebase any more succinctly without sacrificing its power and flexibility.

I'm not a record-collector myself, but I'm guessing that there's a fair amount of them who are used to "digging" to find gems, as opposed to checking out ads/events on Facebook... antique collectors regularly scour the old-fashioned newspaper ads for garage sales because they know the type of old-fashioned people who might have undiscovered antiques are also the type to advertise in newspapers.

Quote Examples using Collector

I have now taken him to a debt collector. He has gone bankrupt and is no longer a director of his company. Instead his father is. His father refuses to pay me. In fact, he claimed he had no statement of work and that I should provide evidence before he would consider payment. What he didn't realise was that his son had caused problems for a former business partner, a very very honourable guy who quickly worked out that the son was despicable, and he provided evidence of the work I had done. The father then offered me a fifth of the money owed as a "goodwill gesture ex gratia" payment. The debt collector is less than impressed.


Collector definitions


a person who collects things

See also: aggregator


a person who is employed to collect payments (as for rent or taxes)

See also: gatherer accumulator


a crater that has collected cosmic material hitting the earth


the electrode in a transistor through which a primary flow of carriers leaves the region between the electrodes