Collectivism in a sentence as a noun

[1]The downside of collectivism and equality is the attitude that "the nail that sticks out gets hammered down".

With collectivism the government is coercing citizens to give up property against their will.

Atlas Shrugged is extreme in the opposite direction but offers some good critiques of collectivism as she saw it practiced.

The lack of respect for her space may be part of the collectivism that arises with incredible density, but the lack of respect for her body and humanity is not.

" At least the anarchist libertarians are self-consistent, rejecting that essential bit of collectivism.

Go through a few of these countries critically, yes on paper, but also in the real world and see how bad things were, and how much better they are in sane places with private property and rule of law. I'm not writing this for my health - if you currently are sympathetic to forced-collectivism, I'd really encourage you to look at how it's turned out historically.

So non-mothers owe mothers "support", socially and economically?I'd love to know the philosophical underpinnings of this odd combination of individualism and collectivism.

It claims to reject collectivism while embracing some of the most fundamentally collectivist ideas: that I should as a member of the same society come to your defense when some other human animal attempts to infringe on your "right to property" or "right to life.

No, she didn't offer the solution all the hard problems of balancing individual liberty and collective action, but if you read it with some context and think about it for yourself, you may find that she did offer some good ideas about the perils of collectivism and the potential of human ability.

The traditional solution was a form of "personal responsibility" that actually becomes collectivism: southern-European and Middle-Eastern families have large extended families who are expected to effectively provide the insurance policy.

"Racism is a form of collectivism, and that phrase is indisputably collectivist [and thus that phrase is probably racist]" reduces to "X is a form of Y, and Z is indisputably Y [and thus Z is probably X]," which can be substituted with "A murderer is a form of human, and you are indisputably human [and thus you are probably a murderer].

Collectivism definitions


Soviet communism

See also: Bolshevism sovietism


a political theory that the people should own the means of production